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What is a reverse valve?

Project: Bus. Adm to HVAC post 5/15 Answering

To be straightforward, what is a reverse Valve?

What is a Reverse Valve, or as I called for my first time seeing one in school... What are the gold and black thing next to the compressor (entirely black)? Then my professor explained to me that it is a reverse valve. I do not recall which one explained it to me.

However, the let-play videos by the series did go into deep with a reverse valve on what it does to the refrigerant. The Reverse Valve reverses the flow of refrigerant in the heat mode. The video has an image of a reverse valve with numbers 1 to 4. After the video, I answered the question on the subject matter.

The Reverse Valve is part that changes the flow of refrigerant in heat mode.

This post is only my review on the above subject for review of my education in Business Administration to HVAC notes and opinion. So, it might be a good check to ensure this information is not wrong. The blog should be views as entertainment, a way for people interested in the HVAC or Business Administration field.

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