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What was an Intro to college class? For BPCC

These here are only my views for fun and not mean to be mean about the old institutions or hopeful no one will misread or misunderstand what is value in college but even back then, as students, the best way to use value is hard to do, for many factors.

I planned to make a blog post for the Intro lecture for Remington college next Sunday. So, please read the view of BPCC's era class.

What is Intro to college to Class of BPCC?

In the last post, 11 have a short review of class at BPCC, whiles this is for what people might encounter in 2017 falls. First tries at network, get help, organization, tips for life and school what is short be a review of Intro to college by BPCC.

So, what is that class?

The following list is what I can remember from that class above.

  1. The class did have a video talk about BPCC and how to say it with president Douglas "Rick" Bateman, Jr.

I remember watching a video of the president of BPCC talking about his school and how to find each building.

How to find each building starts A to F with J for baseball. Somewhere in the video, talk about how old BPCC is and why they moved to the new campus. Over time in that class, we have to identify the parts of the campus on the map for homework.

Last I looked, the BPCC campus had building H for nurses.

2. Another class unit discussed three value skills that can be learned from class. Money management, time management, light research. However, some high schools like Texas did teach money management for one class. But this class at BPCC follows into a career with the research of job and lifestyle.

However, ideas of time management were a big part of the course. Some of the students' time management styles were not what the professor wanted, and the professor working with them was okay with it. In adding more work, the students have early working planer beforehand. This class is suitable for people who

might lose their skills if the skills are not in use.

3. A study tip I can always remember from that class is that one course needs three hours of studying for an A. I also, the one who did this class was an English Professor, and sorry for any bad grammar and nightmare for the English professor to read about.

In all, I was very eager to take that class. I am sure it to be more valuable if I could find the notes for the course. Also, if I wrote this blog in the era of the college, I went to. So find the theory to be true or not…

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