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How maybe a person be more successful in network or college 1?

Project: Bus. Adm to HVAC post 10/15

How maybe a person be more successful than me at a network or college?

That many ways to answer the above question, but let's focus on what I identified in the last post-SGA (Student Government Association).

The last post identified what SGA does and mentioned this club work with other clubs on campus. In that way, this club line with my goal when I went to college. My goal was to "Improve myself and network to build the team and find the market to sell something in business format."

I did complete my above goal in small steps version of above. However, I did not ensure I made progress in the above as a whole objective. Then other times, I have failed.

Writing this blog says I learned about successful goals and failings in the BPCC era. Sharing this can help people to understand the above question. "How might someone become more successful than me in college or network?" If we view this question from the point of view of first, third, past, future, and present. There are a few things that could be improved in this question, like skills or mastering skills, goals, and looking out.

So, I am still trying to determine the answer to the above question. In a way did it, but in another view, it did not. Yet, without adding a network or college, I take more goals with skills that made many refine skills in one skill to make a goal.


Learning more about a topic a person chooses gives time and focus.

Make better goals or notes of where a person wishes, needs, or wants to be.

Talk to the people.

Try to live your good life by doing good in your own way.

(Good means some kind of value. )

Learn, active, feedback.

In all, the above list is a good start. As I said, I am trying to figure out what I am trying to do. So, the last post will be called Next Bus adm. to HVAC number 15. As you can be told, we are on post-10/15. Thank you, view this blog and have a good day or night.



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