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Next summarize 2022

Post 15

The "Next" post goal is to fast review what this project is showing or help you understand some of my notes and opinion on classes I have taken for school. In college, I learn about Business Administration and HVAC. But in high school, I learn about accounting at CCTC (Caddo enter Technology Career) (other high schools offers much more class than just public speaking. Each subject has a way the students can make money if they use education (skilled) right after or soon as possible to follow subcategories.

For example, subcategories for HVAC are plumbing, motors, residential, commercial, and EPA; more I am missing in this blog. Business administration is office work, accounting, management theory, human resources, and many others that are not in this blog. The funny thing is that some subjects cross over for accounting for bookkeepers, tax persons, and investors. Public Speaking is a high school and college class, but my memory could be wrong.

But educated in schooling versus self-education might mean self-education gives more return on you after you choose one subject or "subject" major. To improve HVAC skills, read the owner's manual, watch some videos, and do a few tasks from experts. (Technician's book.)

For any business major, improvement is doing tasks from professors to experts in your chosen field. Watch some videos and read books on topics related to your chosen field. These tips summarize what I learned from my professors. Please, start a project or business as you learn.

This blog's project appeared to be the ending of Business Administration to HVAC Blog project post 15. The above reasons "Next" post to mark a change to review books or learn skills; I will read or listen for self-education. This series is useful to viewers of the past or future as reviews of the High School era, Bossier Community College Parish 2017-2020, 2022 year of Remington College Shreveport.

The "Next" post series will be part of my self educated in HVAC and other skill sets and my opinion on notes. Also, This post is called " Next" Market ending 2022, so happy Christmas and New Year. Yet, there are still many more ways of thinking or offering value to people who view this blog.

Thank you for sending me a message on this project and the upcoming short-term project blog in 2023. Sorry for any misspelled words. Thank you for your time. I hope I see your review someday.



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