Event, Volunteerism? ...
In college, one great passion is volunteering to help people achieve good goals. I did volunteer labor with BPCC's clubs. Please, take...
Next summarize 2022
Post 15 The "Next" post goal is to fast review what this project is showing or help you understand some of my notes and opinion on...
Weird Questions/ answer for HVAC Maybe?
Business Adm to HVAC Post 14 Following are some weird questions about both industries. The following is based on what I wanted to blog...
What is Standing Pressure Test HVAC?
Project Bus Adm. to HVAC Post 13 What is a leak test for HVAC When will people most likely learn about the leak test for HVAC? Here in...
Post 12 Bus. Adm. - HVAC Post 12
What was an Intro to college class? For BPCC These here are only my views for fun and not mean to be mean about the old institutions or...
Bus. Adm. to HVAC 11/15 Review of some of BPCC Era's Classes?
"Review of some of BPCC Era's Classes?" This blog here is a short review of what I can remember from the top of my head. First, I only...
How maybe a person be more successful in network or college 1?
Project: Bus. Adm to HVAC post 10/15 How maybe a person be more successful than me at a network or college? That many ways to answer the...
What is SGA of BPCC?
What is SGA? Project: bus. Adm to HVAC post 9/15 Student Government Association is an organization to promote self-government and...
What are five skill basic of HVAC for training?
Project: Bus. Adm to HVAC post 8/15 Disclosure the following advice is what a student should try to learn or master skills to understand...

How change a contactor?
Disclosure of this information might have missed part, and changing contactor can be dangerous. How to change a contactor base on text?...